Nuts are a great source of both protein and fat, making them a perfect snack for low carb days! Almonds, pecans, and macadamias are my three go-tos.
#fasterwaytofatloss #fasterway #fasterwaycoach #fasterwayvip #fasterwaycommunity #fasterwaylifestyle #fwtfl #fwtflvip #fwtflcoach #wholefoodnutrition #carbcycling #intermittentfasting #macrotracking #nutrition #lowcarbday #food #yum #yummy #snack #snacks #almonds #pecans #macadamias #healthyfat #healthyfats #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness #wellbeing
Visited my office space for the first time in nearly a year and a half yesterday. With my new netzerocompany lunch bag and reusable tins (thanks, 55andfeelingfabulous!) and good eating and preplanning habits (thanks, fasterwaytofatloss!), I’ll be ready to start a hybrid work arrangement!
#sustainability #sustainable #sustainableliving #reuse #reusable #fasterwaytofatloss #fasterway #fasterwaylifestyle
Not a single single- use item necessary to pack an uber yummy (and healthy) lunch for work! Better than any fast-food burger, promise you that.
#netzero #netzerofam #munchiebox #saucebosstrio #mightynest #hungryroot #imperfectfoods #repeatutensils #plasticfreejuly #plasticfree #ditchsingleuseplastic #ditchsingleuse
Day 7 of #PlasticFreeJuly (which is a repost from last year, but I still use these ALL the time!) is special because I am sooooo excited to share these products!! Reusable silicone bags, metal snack containers, and stretchy silicone lids (not pictured) from netzerocompany!! ❤ So excited to ditch #plasticbags for good! 🚫👊 remember: every decision you make has an impact, so why not make a good one? 🌍💚
#plasticfree #reusable #siliconebag #environmentallyfriendly #savetheplanet #sustainableliving #safersnacking #noplasticwaste #noplasticallowed #plasticfreeshipping #sustainableshippingecofriendly
I have been asked what is my recipe for the pumpkin cauliflower curry I had in a video a few days ago, so here is a recipe. It is never the same, and I usually use ingredients I have on hand at the moment.
I dump everything into a crockpot and let it simmer for around 6- 8 hours.
1 cauliflower head
2 cups for diced pumpkin
1 cup f diced mushrooms
1 medium onion diced
6 cloves of garlic diced
15 ounce can tomato sauce low sodium
1 can of coconut milk
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon curry powder
1 tablespoon turmeric
½ teaspoon cayenne optional
salt and pepper to taste
Garnish scallions, sriracha (optional)
In 6 hours it is a yummy curry I either serve with rice or on roti.
Please custom it with ingredients you have and like to eat. I sometimes also add beans to the recipe.
Lunch set from netzerocompany use discount code ECOAMICAL10 for 10 percent off link in bio.
#curryrecipe #plantbased #reducewaste #slowcooker #comfortfood #zerowastwaste
Attrezzatura #zerowaste da camminate in Natura, casa e vita vagabonda!
In tantissimi/e vi siete espressi/e a favore di recensioni prodotti eco-equo. Devo ancora stilare le mie regole per accettare prodotti in regalo, ma a grandi linee sono:
- oggetti che servono a me o ai miei cari
- prodotti bio / eco
- prodotti in Italia o altrimenti prodotti all'estero (in Cina in questo caso), ma in maniera etica (occorre fidarsi delle affermazioni del produttore)
- beni durevoli quasi eterni o oggetti che siano davvero riciclabili a fine vita
Passiamo alla recensione dei prodotti netzerocompany che ho ricevuto #gifted
Sono già innamorata della gavetta di acciaio. È la seconda uscita nei boschi che faccio con lei e la adoro! Si apre e si chiude facilmente, la fondamentale guarnizione tiene benissimo (spero duri anche nel tempo e abbia un ricambio). Se non avete in casa contenitori di recupero per portare fuori a pranzo il vostro cibo / comprarlo sfuso / per il take away senza produrre rifiuti... io voto l'acciaio inox 🤩
Poi ci sono le buste in silicone. Il silicone è una sorta di plastica molto più durevole, non perde microplastiche, resiste molto di più al calore e al freddo, MA non è riciclabile a fine vita. Una parte del silicone è biodegradabile in tempi decenti, ma poco ci serve se dobbiamo buttarlo nel generico. Conto durino decenni!
La chiusura di queste buste netzerocompany è, al contrario di un'altra che avevo provato, a prova di fuoriuscita e la forma della busta la rende facilmente lavabile.
Ci porto in giro la frutta secca e le do a mia madre, che le riempie di cibo per me 😬 Sto evitando un sacco di plastica usa e getta che altrimenti userebbe... (ma la sto educando bene, sta cominciando a smettere 😎😝).
I barattolini piccoli in realtà sono un ordine errato: li volevo più grandi... però ho subito trovato loro un impiego: se non avete contenitori di recupero sono sicuramente più sani da comprare di tanti plasticoni... ci ho messo dentro le caramelline per gola/stomaco che ho sempre dietro. Poi per quando potremo ricomonciare a viaggiare ci metterò lo shampoo solido autoprodotto e il dentifricio in pastigliette!
#zerosprechi #lowimpact #nowaste #hiking
𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹𝘀
Did you know that I forgot my lunch box? But that’s not a problem because I reuse what I have, I try to do my best with my own possibilities!
So try to not blame yourself and try to find alternatives as you can💓
What about you? How’s going with your zero waste holidays?🌿
#zerowasteonthego #zerowasteliving #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastejourney #zerowastecommunity #zerowastetravel #gogreen #journeytozerowaste #goingzerowaste #sustainableliving #reducewaste #wastefree #ecofriendlyproduct #naturalliving #noplastic #saynotoplastic #reduce #ecoliving #zerowaste #nomoreplastic #saynotoplastic #ditchplastic #reuse #sustainablelifestyle #zerowastetips #bethechange #reusablebags #wastefreeplanet #zerowaste
Another super swap of my #plasticfreejuly are these small netzerocompany containers with a silicone caps😍, I use them for sauces or to put dried fruit to eat as a snack in the office, they are perfect!!! And how cute are they?🤍
🌿What's your new swap?
#zerowasteonthego #zerowasteliving #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastejourney #zerowastecommunity #zerowastetravel #gogreen #journeytozerowaste #goingzerowaste #sustainableliving #reducewaste #wastefree #ecofriendlyproduct #naturalliving #noplastic #saynotoplastic #reduce #ecoliving #zerowaste #nomoreplastic #saynotoplastic #ditchplastic #reuse #sustainablelifestyle #zerowastetips #bethechange #reusablebags #wastefreeplanet #zerowasteliving
Say hello to the Sauce Boss Trio 👋
We love these leakproof stainless steel and silicone beauties for transporting salad dressing (goodbye, soggy salads & mini plastic containers!).
You can also use them to transport:
- dips
- sauces
- nuts & seeds
- yoghurt
- vitamins
- medication
- lip balm
What do you use them for? 🌱
Say hello to the Sauce Boss Trio 👋
We love these leakproof stainless steel and silicone beauties for transporting salad dressing (goodbye, soggy salads & mini plastic containers!).
You can also use them to transport:
- dips
- sauces
- nuts & seeds
- yoghurt
- vitamins
- medication
- lip balm
What do you use them for? 🌱
What did the nut say when it was chasing the other nut? 💨
I’m a cashew
The little stainless steel wonders work great for sauces, powders, pills, lip balms, and, of course, the whole nut family. 😁
What did the nut say when it was chasing the other nut? 💨
I’m a cashew
The little stainless steel wonders work great for sauces, powders, pills, lip balms, and, of course, the whole nut family. 😁
#GIVEAWAY tiiiimmme! ✨
Did you know that more than 40% of plastic is used just once, and then tossed? We tend to eat more and more outside, making that number grow even more.
What if from now on you came to lunchtime prepared? 🍲
Net Zero Co. and I teamed up to giveaway a super cool Plastic Free Lunch Bundle! (swipe right to see all its full content!) 🙌👯♀️
To enter:
1⃣ Like this post;
2⃣ Follow zero.waste.nest and netzerocompany
3⃣ Tag 2 friends in the comments below
Contest ends on Feb. 14th at 5pm GMT.
Open worldwide! 🌎
#sponsored #plasticfree #ditchplastic #bethechange #nowaste #contest #zerowaste #giveawaycontest #zerowasteliving #plasticsucks #ditchpastic #saveourplanet #gogreen #zerowastecollective #giveaway #ecoliving #nontoxic
#GIVEAWAY tiiiimmme! ✨
Did you know that more than 40% of plastic is used just once, and then tossed? We tend to eat more and more outside, making that number grow even more.
What if from now on you came to lunchtime prepared? 🍲
Net Zero Co. and I teamed up to giveaway a super cool Plastic Free Lunch Bundle! (swipe right to see all its full content!) 🙌👯♀️
To enter:
1⃣ Like this post;
2⃣ Follow zero.waste.nest and netzerocompany
3⃣ Tag 2 friends in the comments below
Contest ends on Feb. 14th at 5pm GMT.
Open worldwide! 🌎
#sponsored #plasticfree #ditchplastic #bethechange #nowaste #contest #zerowaste #giveawaycontest #zerowasteliving #plasticsucks #ditchpastic #saveourplanet #gogreen #zerowastecollective #giveaway #ecoliving #nontoxic
To-go food, not to-go container 🙌
Takeout food is convenient but unfortunately it creates a lot of waste!
Common takeaway food containers are either lined with plastic or made of styrofoam. 😖 Those materials are hard to recycle and sit in landfills for hundreds of years.
Next time you are craving food on the go, bring your own container for the vendor to put food in!
✅ Tip - show local vendors that allow you to use your own container by leaving a nice review online! It may inspire others reading the review to bring their own containers too. 👌
Here in the picture, we have sushi in our Munchie Box and soy sauce in our leak-free Sauce Boss Container (how cute?!).
#choosetoreuse 💚
To-go food, not to-go container 🙌
Takeout food is convenient but unfortunately it creates a lot of waste!
Common takeaway food containers are either lined with plastic or made of styrofoam. 😖 Those materials are hard to recycle and sit in landfills for hundreds of years.
Next time you are craving food on the go, bring your own container for the vendor to put food in!
✅ Tip - show local vendors that allow you to use your own container by leaving a nice review online! It may inspire others reading the review to bring their own containers too. 👌
Here in the picture, we have sushi in our Munchie Box and soy sauce in our leak-free Sauce Boss Container (how cute?!).
#choosetoreuse 💚
What did the wave say to the turtle?
Nothing. It just waved. 🌊🐢😁
Have an awesome day, Net Zero Fam!