9 Activities During Social Distancing
Here are a few ways to be present, support your community, and stay connected.
Make self care a priority
Give yourself the love you deserve. Wake up without an alarm clock, practice positive self talk, declutter your space, try a homemade face mask, take a bath, go for a nature walk, or have a dance party. Happy you = the best you
Make a donation pile
Holding onto baby clothes or college t-shirts? Sort through your closet and drawers to give new homes to these previously loved pieces. Spring cleaning is in full bloom.
Learn the art of DIY
From shampoo to homemade paint, you’d be surprised how many things you can make yourself with ingredients that you probably already have! Trying new things and saving money is always a win.
Make zero waste veggie broth
Who else has been cooking more these days? Collect your veggie scraps in the freezer (e.g. carrots, celery), boil for 20 minutes with herbs and salt, then strain. Cost-free delicious broth in no time! Feel free to freeze a batch or two for later.
Organize your kitchen
Got #pantrygoals? There’s never been a better time to reorganize your kitchen! Use this period to scrub off old jar labels and repurpose them for bulk goodies, leftovers, meal prep, and freezer foods!
Connect with family and friends virtually
Physical distancing doesn’t mean disconnecting! Use this time to FaceTime, text, call, and catch up with your friends & family. Check in on them and enjoy each others’ company.
Go plogging
Go for a walk or run (make sure to keep 6ft / 2m apart from others!) and bring a trash bag. With gloves on, pick up any waste you see and bring it home to toss or recycle. Enjoy nature and help our planet!
Support local businesses
Many small businesses are taking a hard hit right now. Support local restaurants by buying a gift card to use at a later date, or ordering contact-less delivery. Shop online from small businesses you support instead of heading out.
Try something new
Heard of the saying, “don’t knock it ‘till you try it”? Find new hobbies and passions during this time! Get creative with the things around you. Read or listen to a new genre, draw, paint, take photos, meditate, do yoga, journal, or propagate vegetables!
These are stressful times, but they will pass, and we will get through it together – and come out the other side stronger and more resilient than ever. Be kind, support one another, and protect yourself.
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